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Friday, April 22, 2011

Plus One, Minus Good Taste

A couple of days, my good friend and fellow (let's partner in crime) Fabrisse sent me a cocktail dresses link to an article in Slate. In it the author, Daniel Engber, complained partner does not allow a '+1' in the invitations to her wedding.

He was shocked when a couple who knew only sent an invitation and refused to allow reservations for two because he had a girlfriend. Now I do not know how serious the bridesmaid dress show relationship might have been. I do not know what their scheme of life were. These things are important in the question. I know, however, that although a label error was committed in the invitation, Mr. Engber definitely made a goof label when he tried to RSVP for more people than were included in the invitation.

Remember, if your name is on invitation only and there is' +1' added, which is the only one by which you can respond.

To appear matters worse, when the brother of Mr. Engber was married, the happy couple again not ask Mr. Engber invite a guest over the circumstances.

But this time cheap & wholesale wedding dresses is mentioned a steady girlfriend, so I can only assume that at some point they separated ... or what you thought you might want to bring someone else.



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